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glory to all inglorious fights

Theorical basis:


The proposition of the antimonument emerged from the historical meaning of the “Pateo do Collegio”, downtown São Paulo. In this place, the Jesuits founded the school where the Christianity was taught to the indigenous people. Today, it is a square surrounded by an imponent neoclassical architecture from the Secretary of Justice and the Supreme Court buildings. In the middle of the square, there is the obelisk “Imortal Glory to the founders of São Paulo”, made by Amadeo ZAnni


The ambiguity of the monument – what it reveals and what it conceals – is clear when you analyze the square’s surrounding buildings. It carries the echoes of our deads, of another possibility of spatial organization, another world vision, another culture.


It was thinking at the insufficiency of the shape to discuss the barbaric that I thought about bringing “raw state” boxes full of fruits and horizontally draw – the verticality of the monument by Zanny is there as the winner’s logic – the antimonument: “Glory to the inglorious fights”. The name is an allusion to an Aldir Blanc and João Bosco’s song and intends to celebrate what is and what is not officially celebrated. Therefore, the ones that lost in the colonization and the city’s creation.


The horizontal antimonument, built by more than 200 boxes of fruits and straw mats, formed an indigenous Guarani graphism. At the end, the fruits were offered to the people and they celebrated both taste and knowledge, the interaction of senses – the memory  of the “here and now” life


I intended to bring to light the ambiguity of the monument and give a new meaning the public memory. To include what is concealed in the official celebration of history.


For a moment there was a suspension in the everyday life and together, the homeless, the artists, the young, the old and the children celebrated together all the losses.



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